Gymnázium Andreja Sládkoviča

by - marca 23, 2018

Secondary grammar school of Andrej Sládkovič
In older history of our city, all grammar schools were joined together and they formed one big grammar school. After some years that school separated into many smaller grammar schools and one of them is our school.
During our existence we were called many different names but the name Andrej Sládkovič was firstly given to us in 1919.
Andrej Sládkovič was a poet during Romanticism and he wrote a lot of famous poems. The most famous is the one about his love called Marína.
Students of our school are aged 15-19 and graduate after four years of studying. We have got about 488 students so we are quite a big school. Our school is focused on many different subjects so our students can improve their abilities and skills in art, sport, language, informatics and many more...

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